Saturday, February 26, 2011

February - The short month

OK, so another month has gone by and this writing thing hasn't been to regular. Looking forward to March at his point since February tricked us by not having any real "false"spring. Seems to me that we usually get a nice couple of weeks of warm weather, bees come out, trees bloom, and there is an air of optimism about us.

Not this year. joblessness, foreclosures, budget deficits, inflation, snow at 300 feet in California! Give us a break!

Get out and get physical in the garden - build up those cheerful endorphins.
  • Weather nasty? Curl up and look at the catalogs (again).
  • Inflation looming, short on money? Grow your own vegetables this year or start flower plants from seed and hardwood cuttings for nursery stock instead of buying everything.
  • Out of work? Volunteer for something that you really enjoy(e.g. gardening). Maybe it will lead to a job or career change.
Maybe the people that thrive and strive to be better in these tough times will bring about real changes that benefit the world to come.